Mountain | 有山
「有山」寄情山水,隐逸山间,是中国人对美好生活的一种向往,有山系列沙发的设计正是源于对“山” 的形式美、体量和分量感的一种理解,融入设计语言重新诠释的一款软体沙发,造型简洁而不失气势,线条硬朗弹性舒适。
「Mountain」It is a kind of yearning for a better life for Chinese people to repose in the mountains and rivers. The design of Youshan sofa series is based on an understanding of the formal beauty, volume and weight of "mountain". It is a soft sofa reinterpreted with the design language. Its shape is simple and powerful, and its lines are strong, elastic and comfortable.